
Showing posts from January 31, 2019

Why is nirguna brahman manifest only in 5 forms?

2 I know that Shiva, Durga, Vishnu, Surya and Ganesha are counted as manifestations of Nirguna brahman. Or in other way when nirguna brahman is seen through lens of maya, it is seen in 5 different ways. What I fail to make sense of is how come Vishnu is there in the list, but his wife is missing. Similarly, how same saguna brahman Shiva, Durga, Ganesha are related as husband , wife, son and then instead of another son Karthikeya we have Surya as fifth. I am also not able to make sense of the number 5 and one family having 3 saguna brahman. The thing is since all are manifestations of Nirguna brahman, there should be no hierarchy between each of them. Can some explain logically how it is possible? advaita brahman


Domașnea Domaschna Domásnya Hilfe zu Wappen Basisdaten Staat: Rumänien Historische Region: Banat Kreis: Caraș-Severin Koordinaten: 45° 5′  N , 22° 19′  O 45.082222222222 22.317222222222 Koordinaten: 45° 4′ 56″  N , 22° 19′ 2″  O Zeitzone: OEZ (UTC+2) Fläche: 54,09 km² Einwohner: 1.500 (2014) Bevölkerungsdichte: 28 Einwohner je km² Postleitzahl: 327186 Telefonvorwahl: (+40) 02 55 Kfz-Kennzeichen: CS Struktur und Verwaltung (Stand: 2016 [1] ) Gemeindeart: Gemeinde Gliederung: Domașnea, Cănicea Bürgermeister: Petru Lorinț (PSD) Postanschrift: Str. Principală, nr. 318 loc. Domașnea, jud. Caraș-Severin, RO-327186 Lage von Domașnea im Kreis Caraș-Severin Kirche Domașnea Domașnea (deutsch: Domaschna , ungarisch: Domásnya ) ist eine Gemeinde im Kreis Caraș-Severin, Banat, Rumänien. Zur Gemeinde Domașnea gehört auch das Dorf Cănicea. Inhaltsverzeichn