PostgreSQL doesn't generate index-only plan when using NOT-IN but does when using IN with multicolumn...


I have two tables: A(id, x, cid) and B(cid). I need to fetch some records from A and excluding records with same cid in B.

I have btree index on A (cid, id).

Query-1 (NOT-IN): select id from a where cid not in (select distinct cid from b);


Seq Scan on a  (cost=20418.20..340328.83 rows=5128145 width=8) (actual time=367.337..3820.175 rows=169046 loops=1)
Filter: (NOT (hashed SubPlan 1))
Rows Removed by Filter: 10087249
SubPlan 1
-> HashAggregate (cost=20283.84..20391.33 rows=10749 width=4) (actual time=351.301..357.395 rows=41493 loops=1)
Group Key: b.cid
-> Seq Scan on b (cost=0.00..17451.87 rows=1132787 width=4) (actual time=0.530..148.063 rows=1132787 loops=1)
Planning time: 0.254 ms
Execution time: 3827.324 ms

It does NOT generate a index-only-scan which I think should be reasonable since index btree on A(cid, id) is a covering index.

However, if I use IN operator instead, it can generate index-only-scan, shown as following:

Query-2 (IN): select id from a where cid in (select distinct cid from b);


Nested Loop  (cost=20284.27..420607.83 rows=10256290 width=8) (actual time=290.225..2349.182 rows=10087249 loops=1)
-> HashAggregate (cost=20283.84..20391.33 rows=10749 width=4) (actual time=290.162..304.054 rows=41493 loops=1)
Group Key: b.cid
-> Seq Scan on b (cost=0.00..17451.87 rows=1132787 width=4) (actual time=0.042..95.151 rows=1132787 loops=1)
-> Index Only Scan using idx_a_cid_id on a (cost=0.43..27.61 rows=961 width=12) (actual time=0.005..0.028 rows=243 loops=41493)
Index Cond: (cid = b.cid)
Heap Fetches: 0
Planning time: 0.197 ms
Execution time: 2672.898 ms

If you may consider because the cardinalities of A and B are too different, that's true. A contains 10256295 rows while B contains 41493 distinct cids.

However, if I manually rewrite the Query-1 to the following Query-3 with the same logic, but just using IN, postgres can still generate a index-only-scan, shown as following:

Query-3 (IN-sub(NOT-IN)): select id from a where cid in (select cid from a where cid not in (select distinct cid from b));


Nested Loop  (cost=325220.51..722952.01 rows=10256290 width=8) (actual time=3741.854..5607.756 rows=169046 loops=1)
-> HashAggregate (cost=325220.07..325326.82 rows=10675 width=4) (actual time=3741.133..3763.512 rows=51758 loops=1)
Group Key: a_1.cid
-> Index Only Scan using idx_a_cid on a a_1 (cost=20418.64..312399.71 rows=5128145 width=4) (actual time=377.384..3691.304 rows=169046 loops=1)
Filter: (NOT (hashed SubPlan 1))
Rows Removed by Filter: 10087249
Heap Fetches: 0
SubPlan 1
-> HashAggregate (cost=20283.84..20391.33 rows=10749 width=4) (actual time=359.015..365.864 rows=41493 loops=1)
Group Key: b.cid
-> Seq Scan on b (cost=0.00..17451.87 rows=1132787 width=4) (actual time=0.455..144.879 rows=1132787 loops=1)
-> Index Only Scan using idx_a_cid_id on a (cost=0.43..27.64 rows=961 width=12) (actual time=0.033..0.035 rows=3 loops=51758)
Index Cond: (cid = a_1.cid)
Heap Fetches: 0
Planning time: 2.758 ms
Execution time: 5617.930 ms

So I'm very confused now, whether it's because NOT-IN operator itself is too hard/expensive to use index-only-scan? Or just because PostgreSQL's Query Optimizer is not smart enough to generate one?

BTW, my experiments are on PostgreSQL-9.6.

Thank you!

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New contributor

Qiushi Bai is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
Check out our Code of Conduct.


    I have two tables: A(id, x, cid) and B(cid). I need to fetch some records from A and excluding records with same cid in B.

    I have btree index on A (cid, id).

    Query-1 (NOT-IN): select id from a where cid not in (select distinct cid from b);


    Seq Scan on a  (cost=20418.20..340328.83 rows=5128145 width=8) (actual time=367.337..3820.175 rows=169046 loops=1)
    Filter: (NOT (hashed SubPlan 1))
    Rows Removed by Filter: 10087249
    SubPlan 1
    -> HashAggregate (cost=20283.84..20391.33 rows=10749 width=4) (actual time=351.301..357.395 rows=41493 loops=1)
    Group Key: b.cid
    -> Seq Scan on b (cost=0.00..17451.87 rows=1132787 width=4) (actual time=0.530..148.063 rows=1132787 loops=1)
    Planning time: 0.254 ms
    Execution time: 3827.324 ms

    It does NOT generate a index-only-scan which I think should be reasonable since index btree on A(cid, id) is a covering index.

    However, if I use IN operator instead, it can generate index-only-scan, shown as following:

    Query-2 (IN): select id from a where cid in (select distinct cid from b);


    Nested Loop  (cost=20284.27..420607.83 rows=10256290 width=8) (actual time=290.225..2349.182 rows=10087249 loops=1)
    -> HashAggregate (cost=20283.84..20391.33 rows=10749 width=4) (actual time=290.162..304.054 rows=41493 loops=1)
    Group Key: b.cid
    -> Seq Scan on b (cost=0.00..17451.87 rows=1132787 width=4) (actual time=0.042..95.151 rows=1132787 loops=1)
    -> Index Only Scan using idx_a_cid_id on a (cost=0.43..27.61 rows=961 width=12) (actual time=0.005..0.028 rows=243 loops=41493)
    Index Cond: (cid = b.cid)
    Heap Fetches: 0
    Planning time: 0.197 ms
    Execution time: 2672.898 ms

    If you may consider because the cardinalities of A and B are too different, that's true. A contains 10256295 rows while B contains 41493 distinct cids.

    However, if I manually rewrite the Query-1 to the following Query-3 with the same logic, but just using IN, postgres can still generate a index-only-scan, shown as following:

    Query-3 (IN-sub(NOT-IN)): select id from a where cid in (select cid from a where cid not in (select distinct cid from b));


    Nested Loop  (cost=325220.51..722952.01 rows=10256290 width=8) (actual time=3741.854..5607.756 rows=169046 loops=1)
    -> HashAggregate (cost=325220.07..325326.82 rows=10675 width=4) (actual time=3741.133..3763.512 rows=51758 loops=1)
    Group Key: a_1.cid
    -> Index Only Scan using idx_a_cid on a a_1 (cost=20418.64..312399.71 rows=5128145 width=4) (actual time=377.384..3691.304 rows=169046 loops=1)
    Filter: (NOT (hashed SubPlan 1))
    Rows Removed by Filter: 10087249
    Heap Fetches: 0
    SubPlan 1
    -> HashAggregate (cost=20283.84..20391.33 rows=10749 width=4) (actual time=359.015..365.864 rows=41493 loops=1)
    Group Key: b.cid
    -> Seq Scan on b (cost=0.00..17451.87 rows=1132787 width=4) (actual time=0.455..144.879 rows=1132787 loops=1)
    -> Index Only Scan using idx_a_cid_id on a (cost=0.43..27.64 rows=961 width=12) (actual time=0.033..0.035 rows=3 loops=51758)
    Index Cond: (cid = a_1.cid)
    Heap Fetches: 0
    Planning time: 2.758 ms
    Execution time: 5617.930 ms

    So I'm very confused now, whether it's because NOT-IN operator itself is too hard/expensive to use index-only-scan? Or just because PostgreSQL's Query Optimizer is not smart enough to generate one?

    BTW, my experiments are on PostgreSQL-9.6.

    Thank you!

    share|improve this question

    New contributor

    Qiushi Bai is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
    Check out our Code of Conduct.




      I have two tables: A(id, x, cid) and B(cid). I need to fetch some records from A and excluding records with same cid in B.

      I have btree index on A (cid, id).

      Query-1 (NOT-IN): select id from a where cid not in (select distinct cid from b);


      Seq Scan on a  (cost=20418.20..340328.83 rows=5128145 width=8) (actual time=367.337..3820.175 rows=169046 loops=1)
      Filter: (NOT (hashed SubPlan 1))
      Rows Removed by Filter: 10087249
      SubPlan 1
      -> HashAggregate (cost=20283.84..20391.33 rows=10749 width=4) (actual time=351.301..357.395 rows=41493 loops=1)
      Group Key: b.cid
      -> Seq Scan on b (cost=0.00..17451.87 rows=1132787 width=4) (actual time=0.530..148.063 rows=1132787 loops=1)
      Planning time: 0.254 ms
      Execution time: 3827.324 ms

      It does NOT generate a index-only-scan which I think should be reasonable since index btree on A(cid, id) is a covering index.

      However, if I use IN operator instead, it can generate index-only-scan, shown as following:

      Query-2 (IN): select id from a where cid in (select distinct cid from b);


      Nested Loop  (cost=20284.27..420607.83 rows=10256290 width=8) (actual time=290.225..2349.182 rows=10087249 loops=1)
      -> HashAggregate (cost=20283.84..20391.33 rows=10749 width=4) (actual time=290.162..304.054 rows=41493 loops=1)
      Group Key: b.cid
      -> Seq Scan on b (cost=0.00..17451.87 rows=1132787 width=4) (actual time=0.042..95.151 rows=1132787 loops=1)
      -> Index Only Scan using idx_a_cid_id on a (cost=0.43..27.61 rows=961 width=12) (actual time=0.005..0.028 rows=243 loops=41493)
      Index Cond: (cid = b.cid)
      Heap Fetches: 0
      Planning time: 0.197 ms
      Execution time: 2672.898 ms

      If you may consider because the cardinalities of A and B are too different, that's true. A contains 10256295 rows while B contains 41493 distinct cids.

      However, if I manually rewrite the Query-1 to the following Query-3 with the same logic, but just using IN, postgres can still generate a index-only-scan, shown as following:

      Query-3 (IN-sub(NOT-IN)): select id from a where cid in (select cid from a where cid not in (select distinct cid from b));


      Nested Loop  (cost=325220.51..722952.01 rows=10256290 width=8) (actual time=3741.854..5607.756 rows=169046 loops=1)
      -> HashAggregate (cost=325220.07..325326.82 rows=10675 width=4) (actual time=3741.133..3763.512 rows=51758 loops=1)
      Group Key: a_1.cid
      -> Index Only Scan using idx_a_cid on a a_1 (cost=20418.64..312399.71 rows=5128145 width=4) (actual time=377.384..3691.304 rows=169046 loops=1)
      Filter: (NOT (hashed SubPlan 1))
      Rows Removed by Filter: 10087249
      Heap Fetches: 0
      SubPlan 1
      -> HashAggregate (cost=20283.84..20391.33 rows=10749 width=4) (actual time=359.015..365.864 rows=41493 loops=1)
      Group Key: b.cid
      -> Seq Scan on b (cost=0.00..17451.87 rows=1132787 width=4) (actual time=0.455..144.879 rows=1132787 loops=1)
      -> Index Only Scan using idx_a_cid_id on a (cost=0.43..27.64 rows=961 width=12) (actual time=0.033..0.035 rows=3 loops=51758)
      Index Cond: (cid = a_1.cid)
      Heap Fetches: 0
      Planning time: 2.758 ms
      Execution time: 5617.930 ms

      So I'm very confused now, whether it's because NOT-IN operator itself is too hard/expensive to use index-only-scan? Or just because PostgreSQL's Query Optimizer is not smart enough to generate one?

      BTW, my experiments are on PostgreSQL-9.6.

      Thank you!

      share|improve this question

      New contributor

      Qiushi Bai is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
      Check out our Code of Conduct.

      I have two tables: A(id, x, cid) and B(cid). I need to fetch some records from A and excluding records with same cid in B.

      I have btree index on A (cid, id).

      Query-1 (NOT-IN): select id from a where cid not in (select distinct cid from b);


      Seq Scan on a  (cost=20418.20..340328.83 rows=5128145 width=8) (actual time=367.337..3820.175 rows=169046 loops=1)
      Filter: (NOT (hashed SubPlan 1))
      Rows Removed by Filter: 10087249
      SubPlan 1
      -> HashAggregate (cost=20283.84..20391.33 rows=10749 width=4) (actual time=351.301..357.395 rows=41493 loops=1)
      Group Key: b.cid
      -> Seq Scan on b (cost=0.00..17451.87 rows=1132787 width=4) (actual time=0.530..148.063 rows=1132787 loops=1)
      Planning time: 0.254 ms
      Execution time: 3827.324 ms

      It does NOT generate a index-only-scan which I think should be reasonable since index btree on A(cid, id) is a covering index.

      However, if I use IN operator instead, it can generate index-only-scan, shown as following:

      Query-2 (IN): select id from a where cid in (select distinct cid from b);


      Nested Loop  (cost=20284.27..420607.83 rows=10256290 width=8) (actual time=290.225..2349.182 rows=10087249 loops=1)
      -> HashAggregate (cost=20283.84..20391.33 rows=10749 width=4) (actual time=290.162..304.054 rows=41493 loops=1)
      Group Key: b.cid
      -> Seq Scan on b (cost=0.00..17451.87 rows=1132787 width=4) (actual time=0.042..95.151 rows=1132787 loops=1)
      -> Index Only Scan using idx_a_cid_id on a (cost=0.43..27.61 rows=961 width=12) (actual time=0.005..0.028 rows=243 loops=41493)
      Index Cond: (cid = b.cid)
      Heap Fetches: 0
      Planning time: 0.197 ms
      Execution time: 2672.898 ms

      If you may consider because the cardinalities of A and B are too different, that's true. A contains 10256295 rows while B contains 41493 distinct cids.

      However, if I manually rewrite the Query-1 to the following Query-3 with the same logic, but just using IN, postgres can still generate a index-only-scan, shown as following:

      Query-3 (IN-sub(NOT-IN)): select id from a where cid in (select cid from a where cid not in (select distinct cid from b));


      Nested Loop  (cost=325220.51..722952.01 rows=10256290 width=8) (actual time=3741.854..5607.756 rows=169046 loops=1)
      -> HashAggregate (cost=325220.07..325326.82 rows=10675 width=4) (actual time=3741.133..3763.512 rows=51758 loops=1)
      Group Key: a_1.cid
      -> Index Only Scan using idx_a_cid on a a_1 (cost=20418.64..312399.71 rows=5128145 width=4) (actual time=377.384..3691.304 rows=169046 loops=1)
      Filter: (NOT (hashed SubPlan 1))
      Rows Removed by Filter: 10087249
      Heap Fetches: 0
      SubPlan 1
      -> HashAggregate (cost=20283.84..20391.33 rows=10749 width=4) (actual time=359.015..365.864 rows=41493 loops=1)
      Group Key: b.cid
      -> Seq Scan on b (cost=0.00..17451.87 rows=1132787 width=4) (actual time=0.455..144.879 rows=1132787 loops=1)
      -> Index Only Scan using idx_a_cid_id on a (cost=0.43..27.64 rows=961 width=12) (actual time=0.033..0.035 rows=3 loops=51758)
      Index Cond: (cid = a_1.cid)
      Heap Fetches: 0
      Planning time: 2.758 ms
      Execution time: 5617.930 ms

      So I'm very confused now, whether it's because NOT-IN operator itself is too hard/expensive to use index-only-scan? Or just because PostgreSQL's Query Optimizer is not smart enough to generate one?

      BTW, my experiments are on PostgreSQL-9.6.

      Thank you!

      postgresql postgresql-performance postgresql-9.6

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      New contributor

      Qiushi Bai is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
      Check out our Code of Conduct.

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      New contributor

      Qiushi Bai is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
      Check out our Code of Conduct.

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      Qiushi Bai is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
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      asked 10 mins ago

      Qiushi BaiQiushi Bai



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      Qiushi Bai is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
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      Qiushi Bai is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
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      Qiushi Bai is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
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