Query to obtain weighted percentile


Trying generate SQL to compute a weighted continuous value at a given set of percentile values (the 25%,50%,and 75% levels used below, but solution should allow for an arbitrary parameter level). In other words, want to find the interpolated "raw" values, weighted by "cnt", at each of the 25%, 50% and 75% cumulative percentiles for the test data in "source" table below.

Test data: (Table: source)

|  site  |  dateval   |  raw  |   cnt   |
| A | 2019-01-05 | 45 | 14 |
| A | 2019-01-05 | 52 | 178 |
| A | 2019-01-05 | 45 | 9 |
| A | 2019-01-05 | 37 | 75 |
| A | 2019-01-05 | 23 | 98 |
| A | 2019-01-05 | 78 | 102 |
| A | 2019-01-05 | 56 | 9 |
| A | 2019-01-05 | 17 | 54 |
| A | 2019-01-05 | 56 | 8 |
| A | 2019-01-06 | 33 | 35 |
| A | 2019-01-06 | 67 | 45 |
| A | 2019-01-06 | 65 | 93 |
| A | 2019-01-06 | 89 | 113 |
| A | 2019-01-06 | 52 | 64 |
| A | 2019-01-06 | 101 | 12 |
| B | 2019-01-05 | 5 | 25 |
| B | 2019-01-05 | 16 | 48 |
| B | 2019-01-05 | 12 | 107 |
| B | 2019-01-05 | 25 | 78 |
| B | 2019-01-05 | 44 | 53 |
| B | 2019-01-05 | 8 | 12 |
| B | 2019-01-05 | 31 | 32 |
| B | 2019-01-06 | 34 | 87 |
| B | 2019-01-06 | 18 | 35 |
| B | 2019-01-06 | 51 | 17 |
| B | 2019-01-06 | 22 | 23 |
| B | 2019-01-06 | 14 | 52 |
| B | 2019-01-06 | 6 | 34 |

Expected output (rounded to nearest 1/100th):

|  site  |   dateval  |   p00   |   p25   |   p50   |   p75   |   p100  |
| A | 2019-01-05 | 17.00 | 22.07 | 45.92 | 51.30 | 78.00 |
| A | 2019-01-06 | 33.00 | 49.48 | 63.46 | 73.72 | 101.00 |
| B | 2019-01-05 | 5.00 | 9.93 | 14.79 | 24.57 | 44.00 |
| B | 2019-01-06 | 6.00 | 10.31 | 18.52 | 27.79 | 51.00 |

Current SQL

The below computes percentile values at discreet points, based on the "raw" values present in table "source." However, the desired output is the "raw" value that corresponds to a given percentile on a continuous basis (for simplicity, the interpolation between discreet "raw" levels is linear instead of splines/other). Frankly, not sure the following approach is the most appropriate path:

WITH raw_lvl AS (
SELECT "site", "dateval", "raw", sum("cnt") AS "sumcnt"
FROM source
GROUP BY "site", "dateval", "raw"
), cum_raw AS (
SELECT tlr.*, sum(tlr."sumcnt") OVER "win_cr" AS "cumsumcnt"
FROM raw_lvl AS "tlr"
WINDOW "win_cr" AS (PARTITION BY tlr."site", tlr."dateval" ORDER BY tlr."raw" ASC)
SELECT cr.*, cr."cumsumcnt"/(sum(cr."sumcnt") OVER "win_pr") AS "percentile"
FROM cum_raw AS cr
WINDOW "win_pr" AS (PARTITION BY cr."site", cr."dateval");

Postgres version 10.3



    Trying generate SQL to compute a weighted continuous value at a given set of percentile values (the 25%,50%,and 75% levels used below, but solution should allow for an arbitrary parameter level). In other words, want to find the interpolated "raw" values, weighted by "cnt", at each of the 25%, 50% and 75% cumulative percentiles for the test data in "source" table below.

    Test data: (Table: source)

    |  site  |  dateval   |  raw  |   cnt   |
    | A | 2019-01-05 | 45 | 14 |
    | A | 2019-01-05 | 52 | 178 |
    | A | 2019-01-05 | 45 | 9 |
    | A | 2019-01-05 | 37 | 75 |
    | A | 2019-01-05 | 23 | 98 |
    | A | 2019-01-05 | 78 | 102 |
    | A | 2019-01-05 | 56 | 9 |
    | A | 2019-01-05 | 17 | 54 |
    | A | 2019-01-05 | 56 | 8 |
    | A | 2019-01-06 | 33 | 35 |
    | A | 2019-01-06 | 67 | 45 |
    | A | 2019-01-06 | 65 | 93 |
    | A | 2019-01-06 | 89 | 113 |
    | A | 2019-01-06 | 52 | 64 |
    | A | 2019-01-06 | 101 | 12 |
    | B | 2019-01-05 | 5 | 25 |
    | B | 2019-01-05 | 16 | 48 |
    | B | 2019-01-05 | 12 | 107 |
    | B | 2019-01-05 | 25 | 78 |
    | B | 2019-01-05 | 44 | 53 |
    | B | 2019-01-05 | 8 | 12 |
    | B | 2019-01-05 | 31 | 32 |
    | B | 2019-01-06 | 34 | 87 |
    | B | 2019-01-06 | 18 | 35 |
    | B | 2019-01-06 | 51 | 17 |
    | B | 2019-01-06 | 22 | 23 |
    | B | 2019-01-06 | 14 | 52 |
    | B | 2019-01-06 | 6 | 34 |

    Expected output (rounded to nearest 1/100th):

    |  site  |   dateval  |   p00   |   p25   |   p50   |   p75   |   p100  |
    | A | 2019-01-05 | 17.00 | 22.07 | 45.92 | 51.30 | 78.00 |
    | A | 2019-01-06 | 33.00 | 49.48 | 63.46 | 73.72 | 101.00 |
    | B | 2019-01-05 | 5.00 | 9.93 | 14.79 | 24.57 | 44.00 |
    | B | 2019-01-06 | 6.00 | 10.31 | 18.52 | 27.79 | 51.00 |

    Current SQL

    The below computes percentile values at discreet points, based on the "raw" values present in table "source." However, the desired output is the "raw" value that corresponds to a given percentile on a continuous basis (for simplicity, the interpolation between discreet "raw" levels is linear instead of splines/other). Frankly, not sure the following approach is the most appropriate path:

    WITH raw_lvl AS (
    SELECT "site", "dateval", "raw", sum("cnt") AS "sumcnt"
    FROM source
    GROUP BY "site", "dateval", "raw"
    ), cum_raw AS (
    SELECT tlr.*, sum(tlr."sumcnt") OVER "win_cr" AS "cumsumcnt"
    FROM raw_lvl AS "tlr"
    WINDOW "win_cr" AS (PARTITION BY tlr."site", tlr."dateval" ORDER BY tlr."raw" ASC)
    SELECT cr.*, cr."cumsumcnt"/(sum(cr."sumcnt") OVER "win_pr") AS "percentile"
    FROM cum_raw AS cr
    WINDOW "win_pr" AS (PARTITION BY cr."site", cr."dateval");

    Postgres version 10.3





      Trying generate SQL to compute a weighted continuous value at a given set of percentile values (the 25%,50%,and 75% levels used below, but solution should allow for an arbitrary parameter level). In other words, want to find the interpolated "raw" values, weighted by "cnt", at each of the 25%, 50% and 75% cumulative percentiles for the test data in "source" table below.

      Test data: (Table: source)

      |  site  |  dateval   |  raw  |   cnt   |
      | A | 2019-01-05 | 45 | 14 |
      | A | 2019-01-05 | 52 | 178 |
      | A | 2019-01-05 | 45 | 9 |
      | A | 2019-01-05 | 37 | 75 |
      | A | 2019-01-05 | 23 | 98 |
      | A | 2019-01-05 | 78 | 102 |
      | A | 2019-01-05 | 56 | 9 |
      | A | 2019-01-05 | 17 | 54 |
      | A | 2019-01-05 | 56 | 8 |
      | A | 2019-01-06 | 33 | 35 |
      | A | 2019-01-06 | 67 | 45 |
      | A | 2019-01-06 | 65 | 93 |
      | A | 2019-01-06 | 89 | 113 |
      | A | 2019-01-06 | 52 | 64 |
      | A | 2019-01-06 | 101 | 12 |
      | B | 2019-01-05 | 5 | 25 |
      | B | 2019-01-05 | 16 | 48 |
      | B | 2019-01-05 | 12 | 107 |
      | B | 2019-01-05 | 25 | 78 |
      | B | 2019-01-05 | 44 | 53 |
      | B | 2019-01-05 | 8 | 12 |
      | B | 2019-01-05 | 31 | 32 |
      | B | 2019-01-06 | 34 | 87 |
      | B | 2019-01-06 | 18 | 35 |
      | B | 2019-01-06 | 51 | 17 |
      | B | 2019-01-06 | 22 | 23 |
      | B | 2019-01-06 | 14 | 52 |
      | B | 2019-01-06 | 6 | 34 |

      Expected output (rounded to nearest 1/100th):

      |  site  |   dateval  |   p00   |   p25   |   p50   |   p75   |   p100  |
      | A | 2019-01-05 | 17.00 | 22.07 | 45.92 | 51.30 | 78.00 |
      | A | 2019-01-06 | 33.00 | 49.48 | 63.46 | 73.72 | 101.00 |
      | B | 2019-01-05 | 5.00 | 9.93 | 14.79 | 24.57 | 44.00 |
      | B | 2019-01-06 | 6.00 | 10.31 | 18.52 | 27.79 | 51.00 |

      Current SQL

      The below computes percentile values at discreet points, based on the "raw" values present in table "source." However, the desired output is the "raw" value that corresponds to a given percentile on a continuous basis (for simplicity, the interpolation between discreet "raw" levels is linear instead of splines/other). Frankly, not sure the following approach is the most appropriate path:

      WITH raw_lvl AS (
      SELECT "site", "dateval", "raw", sum("cnt") AS "sumcnt"
      FROM source
      GROUP BY "site", "dateval", "raw"
      ), cum_raw AS (
      SELECT tlr.*, sum(tlr."sumcnt") OVER "win_cr" AS "cumsumcnt"
      FROM raw_lvl AS "tlr"
      WINDOW "win_cr" AS (PARTITION BY tlr."site", tlr."dateval" ORDER BY tlr."raw" ASC)
      SELECT cr.*, cr."cumsumcnt"/(sum(cr."sumcnt") OVER "win_pr") AS "percentile"
      FROM cum_raw AS cr
      WINDOW "win_pr" AS (PARTITION BY cr."site", cr."dateval");

      Postgres version 10.3


      Trying generate SQL to compute a weighted continuous value at a given set of percentile values (the 25%,50%,and 75% levels used below, but solution should allow for an arbitrary parameter level). In other words, want to find the interpolated "raw" values, weighted by "cnt", at each of the 25%, 50% and 75% cumulative percentiles for the test data in "source" table below.

      Test data: (Table: source)

      |  site  |  dateval   |  raw  |   cnt   |
      | A | 2019-01-05 | 45 | 14 |
      | A | 2019-01-05 | 52 | 178 |
      | A | 2019-01-05 | 45 | 9 |
      | A | 2019-01-05 | 37 | 75 |
      | A | 2019-01-05 | 23 | 98 |
      | A | 2019-01-05 | 78 | 102 |
      | A | 2019-01-05 | 56 | 9 |
      | A | 2019-01-05 | 17 | 54 |
      | A | 2019-01-05 | 56 | 8 |
      | A | 2019-01-06 | 33 | 35 |
      | A | 2019-01-06 | 67 | 45 |
      | A | 2019-01-06 | 65 | 93 |
      | A | 2019-01-06 | 89 | 113 |
      | A | 2019-01-06 | 52 | 64 |
      | A | 2019-01-06 | 101 | 12 |
      | B | 2019-01-05 | 5 | 25 |
      | B | 2019-01-05 | 16 | 48 |
      | B | 2019-01-05 | 12 | 107 |
      | B | 2019-01-05 | 25 | 78 |
      | B | 2019-01-05 | 44 | 53 |
      | B | 2019-01-05 | 8 | 12 |
      | B | 2019-01-05 | 31 | 32 |
      | B | 2019-01-06 | 34 | 87 |
      | B | 2019-01-06 | 18 | 35 |
      | B | 2019-01-06 | 51 | 17 |
      | B | 2019-01-06 | 22 | 23 |
      | B | 2019-01-06 | 14 | 52 |
      | B | 2019-01-06 | 6 | 34 |

      Expected output (rounded to nearest 1/100th):

      |  site  |   dateval  |   p00   |   p25   |   p50   |   p75   |   p100  |
      | A | 2019-01-05 | 17.00 | 22.07 | 45.92 | 51.30 | 78.00 |
      | A | 2019-01-06 | 33.00 | 49.48 | 63.46 | 73.72 | 101.00 |
      | B | 2019-01-05 | 5.00 | 9.93 | 14.79 | 24.57 | 44.00 |
      | B | 2019-01-06 | 6.00 | 10.31 | 18.52 | 27.79 | 51.00 |

      Current SQL

      The below computes percentile values at discreet points, based on the "raw" values present in table "source." However, the desired output is the "raw" value that corresponds to a given percentile on a continuous basis (for simplicity, the interpolation between discreet "raw" levels is linear instead of splines/other). Frankly, not sure the following approach is the most appropriate path:

      WITH raw_lvl AS (
      SELECT "site", "dateval", "raw", sum("cnt") AS "sumcnt"
      FROM source
      GROUP BY "site", "dateval", "raw"
      ), cum_raw AS (
      SELECT tlr.*, sum(tlr."sumcnt") OVER "win_cr" AS "cumsumcnt"
      FROM raw_lvl AS "tlr"
      WINDOW "win_cr" AS (PARTITION BY tlr."site", tlr."dateval" ORDER BY tlr."raw" ASC)
      SELECT cr.*, cr."cumsumcnt"/(sum(cr."sumcnt") OVER "win_pr") AS "percentile"
      FROM cum_raw AS cr
      WINDOW "win_pr" AS (PARTITION BY cr."site", cr."dateval");

      Postgres version 10.3

      postgresql postgresql-10





      asked 3 mins ago








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