Am I allowed to enjoy work while following the path of Karma Yoga?


Regarding the Bhagavad Gita and Karma yoga,

Am I allowed to enjoy the work I do while following the path of Karma Yoga?

If yes then doesn't that go against indifference attitude I am supposed to maintain?

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curiousBro is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
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  • 3

    you're supposed to be indifferent to the results of work, not work. otherwise, you can do a shoddy haphazard work and still say that you did karma yoga, which is wrong. enjoying your work is actually the easiest way to do karma yoga. because you're enjoying the work, not its results. and easiest way to enjoy your work is to do the work of your varna, or the family occupation, because all your past vasanas and karma in previous births led to your current birth in a particular family best suited for your interests.

    – ram
    10 hours ago

  • but nowadays due to varna-sankara (mixing of varnas by inter-marriage and para-dharma), people are confused as to what their family occupation is, and try many different 'passions' e.g. a software engineer has hunting as a passion, or a business ceo has beer-crafting as passion.. it's a mix of genetics and as a result we have many jack of trades and masters of none

    – ram
    10 hours ago

  • 1

    So the indifference is towards the results and not the activity of work itself? I think I get it now.

    – curiousBro
    10 hours ago

  • 1

    @curiousBro say for example someone in road is lying in an accident. What would your reaction be there? That time if you act out of compassion and love, its Karma Yoga. But if you act thinking of benefit of that work (thinking you would get a reward for helping a person) its no more than selfish nature. Now from this understand what is Karma Yoga! Sticking to basics of life, humanity is what Yoga teaches us. Forget about fancy words of detachment, attachments!

    – Akshay S
    9 hours ago

  • 1

    Karma Yoga is taking control of things which you can! Your actions. That which is not under your control, simply leave it! This is called Jnana - Wisdom for life!

    – Akshay S
    9 hours ago


Regarding the Bhagavad Gita and Karma yoga,

Am I allowed to enjoy the work I do while following the path of Karma Yoga?

If yes then doesn't that go against indifference attitude I am supposed to maintain?

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New contributor

curiousBro is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
Check out our Code of Conduct.

  • 3

    you're supposed to be indifferent to the results of work, not work. otherwise, you can do a shoddy haphazard work and still say that you did karma yoga, which is wrong. enjoying your work is actually the easiest way to do karma yoga. because you're enjoying the work, not its results. and easiest way to enjoy your work is to do the work of your varna, or the family occupation, because all your past vasanas and karma in previous births led to your current birth in a particular family best suited for your interests.

    – ram
    10 hours ago

  • but nowadays due to varna-sankara (mixing of varnas by inter-marriage and para-dharma), people are confused as to what their family occupation is, and try many different 'passions' e.g. a software engineer has hunting as a passion, or a business ceo has beer-crafting as passion.. it's a mix of genetics and as a result we have many jack of trades and masters of none

    – ram
    10 hours ago

  • 1

    So the indifference is towards the results and not the activity of work itself? I think I get it now.

    – curiousBro
    10 hours ago

  • 1

    @curiousBro say for example someone in road is lying in an accident. What would your reaction be there? That time if you act out of compassion and love, its Karma Yoga. But if you act thinking of benefit of that work (thinking you would get a reward for helping a person) its no more than selfish nature. Now from this understand what is Karma Yoga! Sticking to basics of life, humanity is what Yoga teaches us. Forget about fancy words of detachment, attachments!

    – Akshay S
    9 hours ago

  • 1

    Karma Yoga is taking control of things which you can! Your actions. That which is not under your control, simply leave it! This is called Jnana - Wisdom for life!

    – Akshay S
    9 hours ago




Regarding the Bhagavad Gita and Karma yoga,

Am I allowed to enjoy the work I do while following the path of Karma Yoga?

If yes then doesn't that go against indifference attitude I am supposed to maintain?

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New contributor

curiousBro is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
Check out our Code of Conduct.

Regarding the Bhagavad Gita and Karma yoga,

Am I allowed to enjoy the work I do while following the path of Karma Yoga?

If yes then doesn't that go against indifference attitude I am supposed to maintain?

bhagavad-gita karma yoga

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New contributor

curiousBro is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
Check out our Code of Conduct.

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New contributor

curiousBro is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
Check out our Code of Conduct.

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New contributor

curiousBro is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
Check out our Code of Conduct.

asked 10 hours ago




New contributor

curiousBro is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
Check out our Code of Conduct.

New contributor

curiousBro is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
Check out our Code of Conduct.

curiousBro is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
Check out our Code of Conduct.

  • 3

    you're supposed to be indifferent to the results of work, not work. otherwise, you can do a shoddy haphazard work and still say that you did karma yoga, which is wrong. enjoying your work is actually the easiest way to do karma yoga. because you're enjoying the work, not its results. and easiest way to enjoy your work is to do the work of your varna, or the family occupation, because all your past vasanas and karma in previous births led to your current birth in a particular family best suited for your interests.

    – ram
    10 hours ago

  • but nowadays due to varna-sankara (mixing of varnas by inter-marriage and para-dharma), people are confused as to what their family occupation is, and try many different 'passions' e.g. a software engineer has hunting as a passion, or a business ceo has beer-crafting as passion.. it's a mix of genetics and as a result we have many jack of trades and masters of none

    – ram
    10 hours ago

  • 1

    So the indifference is towards the results and not the activity of work itself? I think I get it now.

    – curiousBro
    10 hours ago

  • 1

    @curiousBro say for example someone in road is lying in an accident. What would your reaction be there? That time if you act out of compassion and love, its Karma Yoga. But if you act thinking of benefit of that work (thinking you would get a reward for helping a person) its no more than selfish nature. Now from this understand what is Karma Yoga! Sticking to basics of life, humanity is what Yoga teaches us. Forget about fancy words of detachment, attachments!

    – Akshay S
    9 hours ago

  • 1

    Karma Yoga is taking control of things which you can! Your actions. That which is not under your control, simply leave it! This is called Jnana - Wisdom for life!

    – Akshay S
    9 hours ago

  • 3

    you're supposed to be indifferent to the results of work, not work. otherwise, you can do a shoddy haphazard work and still say that you did karma yoga, which is wrong. enjoying your work is actually the easiest way to do karma yoga. because you're enjoying the work, not its results. and easiest way to enjoy your work is to do the work of your varna, or the family occupation, because all your past vasanas and karma in previous births led to your current birth in a particular family best suited for your interests.

    – ram
    10 hours ago

  • but nowadays due to varna-sankara (mixing of varnas by inter-marriage and para-dharma), people are confused as to what their family occupation is, and try many different 'passions' e.g. a software engineer has hunting as a passion, or a business ceo has beer-crafting as passion.. it's a mix of genetics and as a result we have many jack of trades and masters of none

    – ram
    10 hours ago

  • 1

    So the indifference is towards the results and not the activity of work itself? I think I get it now.

    – curiousBro
    10 hours ago

  • 1

    @curiousBro say for example someone in road is lying in an accident. What would your reaction be there? That time if you act out of compassion and love, its Karma Yoga. But if you act thinking of benefit of that work (thinking you would get a reward for helping a person) its no more than selfish nature. Now from this understand what is Karma Yoga! Sticking to basics of life, humanity is what Yoga teaches us. Forget about fancy words of detachment, attachments!

    – Akshay S
    9 hours ago

  • 1

    Karma Yoga is taking control of things which you can! Your actions. That which is not under your control, simply leave it! This is called Jnana - Wisdom for life!

    – Akshay S
    9 hours ago



you're supposed to be indifferent to the results of work, not work. otherwise, you can do a shoddy haphazard work and still say that you did karma yoga, which is wrong. enjoying your work is actually the easiest way to do karma yoga. because you're enjoying the work, not its results. and easiest way to enjoy your work is to do the work of your varna, or the family occupation, because all your past vasanas and karma in previous births led to your current birth in a particular family best suited for your interests.

– ram
10 hours ago

you're supposed to be indifferent to the results of work, not work. otherwise, you can do a shoddy haphazard work and still say that you did karma yoga, which is wrong. enjoying your work is actually the easiest way to do karma yoga. because you're enjoying the work, not its results. and easiest way to enjoy your work is to do the work of your varna, or the family occupation, because all your past vasanas and karma in previous births led to your current birth in a particular family best suited for your interests.

– ram
10 hours ago

but nowadays due to varna-sankara (mixing of varnas by inter-marriage and para-dharma), people are confused as to what their family occupation is, and try many different 'passions' e.g. a software engineer has hunting as a passion, or a business ceo has beer-crafting as passion.. it's a mix of genetics and as a result we have many jack of trades and masters of none

– ram
10 hours ago

but nowadays due to varna-sankara (mixing of varnas by inter-marriage and para-dharma), people are confused as to what their family occupation is, and try many different 'passions' e.g. a software engineer has hunting as a passion, or a business ceo has beer-crafting as passion.. it's a mix of genetics and as a result we have many jack of trades and masters of none

– ram
10 hours ago



So the indifference is towards the results and not the activity of work itself? I think I get it now.

– curiousBro
10 hours ago

So the indifference is towards the results and not the activity of work itself? I think I get it now.

– curiousBro
10 hours ago



@curiousBro say for example someone in road is lying in an accident. What would your reaction be there? That time if you act out of compassion and love, its Karma Yoga. But if you act thinking of benefit of that work (thinking you would get a reward for helping a person) its no more than selfish nature. Now from this understand what is Karma Yoga! Sticking to basics of life, humanity is what Yoga teaches us. Forget about fancy words of detachment, attachments!

– Akshay S
9 hours ago

@curiousBro say for example someone in road is lying in an accident. What would your reaction be there? That time if you act out of compassion and love, its Karma Yoga. But if you act thinking of benefit of that work (thinking you would get a reward for helping a person) its no more than selfish nature. Now from this understand what is Karma Yoga! Sticking to basics of life, humanity is what Yoga teaches us. Forget about fancy words of detachment, attachments!

– Akshay S
9 hours ago



Karma Yoga is taking control of things which you can! Your actions. That which is not under your control, simply leave it! This is called Jnana - Wisdom for life!

– Akshay S
9 hours ago

Karma Yoga is taking control of things which you can! Your actions. That which is not under your control, simply leave it! This is called Jnana - Wisdom for life!

– Akshay S
9 hours ago

2 Answers





Yes. Gita says

18.26 That agent is said to be Sattvika who is free from attachment, who does not make much of himself, who is endued with steadiness and zeal and is untouched by success and failure.

The word 'Zeal' definitely means that a 'Sattvika' doer of works is allowed to enjoy the work while following the path of Karma-Yoga.

That does not go against the indifference attitude as ine has to be indifferent to the FRUITS of action and not to the action itself.

share|improve this answer

  • Very nice reference. I would like to make further comments that, often people think that material purpose/benefit is the only cause of zeal. This is a wrong assumption. For a counter-example, suppose you are meeting your mother after 2 years. After meeting your mother, you would like to do her seva $textbf{with zeal}$. In this example, there is no material purpose or benefit, but you will still feel the zeal.

    – spkakkar
    1 hour ago

  • @spkakkar yes, joy is a mental penomenon and not necessarily related to material gain.

    – commonman
    1 hour ago


According to Bhakti Yoga, the purpose of your work is to please Krishna (or at least you should assume it).

For a devotee, pleasing Shri Krishna is thoroughly joyful.

All three yogas (Bhakti, Karma, Gyaan) are conceptually isomorphic.


share|improve this answer

    2 Answers




    2 Answers











    Yes. Gita says

    18.26 That agent is said to be Sattvika who is free from attachment, who does not make much of himself, who is endued with steadiness and zeal and is untouched by success and failure.

    The word 'Zeal' definitely means that a 'Sattvika' doer of works is allowed to enjoy the work while following the path of Karma-Yoga.

    That does not go against the indifference attitude as ine has to be indifferent to the FRUITS of action and not to the action itself.

    share|improve this answer

    • Very nice reference. I would like to make further comments that, often people think that material purpose/benefit is the only cause of zeal. This is a wrong assumption. For a counter-example, suppose you are meeting your mother after 2 years. After meeting your mother, you would like to do her seva $textbf{with zeal}$. In this example, there is no material purpose or benefit, but you will still feel the zeal.

      – spkakkar
      1 hour ago

    • @spkakkar yes, joy is a mental penomenon and not necessarily related to material gain.

      – commonman
      1 hour ago


    Yes. Gita says

    18.26 That agent is said to be Sattvika who is free from attachment, who does not make much of himself, who is endued with steadiness and zeal and is untouched by success and failure.

    The word 'Zeal' definitely means that a 'Sattvika' doer of works is allowed to enjoy the work while following the path of Karma-Yoga.

    That does not go against the indifference attitude as ine has to be indifferent to the FRUITS of action and not to the action itself.

    share|improve this answer

    • Very nice reference. I would like to make further comments that, often people think that material purpose/benefit is the only cause of zeal. This is a wrong assumption. For a counter-example, suppose you are meeting your mother after 2 years. After meeting your mother, you would like to do her seva $textbf{with zeal}$. In this example, there is no material purpose or benefit, but you will still feel the zeal.

      – spkakkar
      1 hour ago

    • @spkakkar yes, joy is a mental penomenon and not necessarily related to material gain.

      – commonman
      1 hour ago




    Yes. Gita says

    18.26 That agent is said to be Sattvika who is free from attachment, who does not make much of himself, who is endued with steadiness and zeal and is untouched by success and failure.

    The word 'Zeal' definitely means that a 'Sattvika' doer of works is allowed to enjoy the work while following the path of Karma-Yoga.

    That does not go against the indifference attitude as ine has to be indifferent to the FRUITS of action and not to the action itself.

    share|improve this answer

    Yes. Gita says

    18.26 That agent is said to be Sattvika who is free from attachment, who does not make much of himself, who is endued with steadiness and zeal and is untouched by success and failure.

    The word 'Zeal' definitely means that a 'Sattvika' doer of works is allowed to enjoy the work while following the path of Karma-Yoga.

    That does not go against the indifference attitude as ine has to be indifferent to the FRUITS of action and not to the action itself.

    share|improve this answer

    share|improve this answer

    share|improve this answer

    edited 1 hour ago

    answered 2 hours ago




    • Very nice reference. I would like to make further comments that, often people think that material purpose/benefit is the only cause of zeal. This is a wrong assumption. For a counter-example, suppose you are meeting your mother after 2 years. After meeting your mother, you would like to do her seva $textbf{with zeal}$. In this example, there is no material purpose or benefit, but you will still feel the zeal.

      – spkakkar
      1 hour ago

    • @spkakkar yes, joy is a mental penomenon and not necessarily related to material gain.

      – commonman
      1 hour ago

    • Very nice reference. I would like to make further comments that, often people think that material purpose/benefit is the only cause of zeal. This is a wrong assumption. For a counter-example, suppose you are meeting your mother after 2 years. After meeting your mother, you would like to do her seva $textbf{with zeal}$. In this example, there is no material purpose or benefit, but you will still feel the zeal.

      – spkakkar
      1 hour ago

    • @spkakkar yes, joy is a mental penomenon and not necessarily related to material gain.

      – commonman
      1 hour ago

    Very nice reference. I would like to make further comments that, often people think that material purpose/benefit is the only cause of zeal. This is a wrong assumption. For a counter-example, suppose you are meeting your mother after 2 years. After meeting your mother, you would like to do her seva $textbf{with zeal}$. In this example, there is no material purpose or benefit, but you will still feel the zeal.

    – spkakkar
    1 hour ago

    Very nice reference. I would like to make further comments that, often people think that material purpose/benefit is the only cause of zeal. This is a wrong assumption. For a counter-example, suppose you are meeting your mother after 2 years. After meeting your mother, you would like to do her seva $textbf{with zeal}$. In this example, there is no material purpose or benefit, but you will still feel the zeal.

    – spkakkar
    1 hour ago

    @spkakkar yes, joy is a mental penomenon and not necessarily related to material gain.

    – commonman
    1 hour ago

    @spkakkar yes, joy is a mental penomenon and not necessarily related to material gain.

    – commonman
    1 hour ago


    According to Bhakti Yoga, the purpose of your work is to please Krishna (or at least you should assume it).

    For a devotee, pleasing Shri Krishna is thoroughly joyful.

    All three yogas (Bhakti, Karma, Gyaan) are conceptually isomorphic.


    share|improve this answer


      According to Bhakti Yoga, the purpose of your work is to please Krishna (or at least you should assume it).

      For a devotee, pleasing Shri Krishna is thoroughly joyful.

      All three yogas (Bhakti, Karma, Gyaan) are conceptually isomorphic.


      share|improve this answer




        According to Bhakti Yoga, the purpose of your work is to please Krishna (or at least you should assume it).

        For a devotee, pleasing Shri Krishna is thoroughly joyful.

        All three yogas (Bhakti, Karma, Gyaan) are conceptually isomorphic.


        share|improve this answer

        According to Bhakti Yoga, the purpose of your work is to please Krishna (or at least you should assume it).

        For a devotee, pleasing Shri Krishna is thoroughly joyful.

        All three yogas (Bhakti, Karma, Gyaan) are conceptually isomorphic.


        share|improve this answer

        share|improve this answer

        share|improve this answer

        answered 3 hours ago




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